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Traditional Eating




Dr. Weston A. Price was a dentist in Cleveland, Ohio back in the 1930's.  Many of his young patients, from different families and ethnic backgrounds, had teeth that did not fit properly in their dental arches and were ridden with cavities.  Dr. Price suspected that diet was the culprit.   He became a nutritional anthropologist and travelled around the world for over 10 years studying the teeth and the diets of isolated, "primitive" groups of people.  He was able to find 14 groups of isolated people ranging from a few small villages in the Swiss Alps, Maori in New Zealand, Aborigines in Australia, Gaelic communities in the Outer Hebrides, Melanesian and Polynesian South Sea Islanders, tribes in Africa and indigenous peoples of North and South America.

What he found was that as long as these groups of indigenous people maintained their traditional diets, all of their babies were born with nice wide faces, everyone's teeth fit perfectly straight in their dental arches, no cavities, and none of the degenerative diseases that are so prevalent today.  As soon as they started to eat "white man's food" in the form of white flour, white sugar, processed vegetable oils and canned foods, their offspring had narrowed faces and crowed teeth and were more susceptible to disease.

What all of these so called "primitive" healthy groups of people primarily relied on and valued the most was all animal fats, organ meats, bone broths, raw whole dairy products and eggs all from range raised, grass fed animals, and wild fish, roe, fish liver oil, fish organs and shellfish.  Exactly the foods we are being told to avoid because cholesterol is supposedly bad for us.  Dr. Weston A. Price documented over and over again that a traditional diet high in animal fats and traditionally prepared foods, without white sugar, flour and highly processed vegetable oils, produced healthy, happy people with virtually no chronic disease, mental problems, birth defects, or dental cavities or malformations.

Weston A. Price documented his research in his classic book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration." 

Today the Weston A. Price Foundation,, continues the work of showing people how to eat well in order to obtain their optimal health, and protect the health of our animals and environment.

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